Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of teeth to develop in the human mouth. They usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25, but sometimes they may emerge earlier or later.

Most people have four wisdom teeth, one in each corner of the mouth (upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right).

Why Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth can cause problems because they often do not have enough space to properly emerge from the gums. When this happens, they can become impacted (stuck in the jawbone or gums) or partially erupted (only partially breaking through the gums). This can lead to pain, infection, and damage to nearby teeth. According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, approximately 90% of people have at least one impacted wisdom tooth.

For this reason, wisdom teeth often need to be extracted. In fact, wisdom teeth extraction is one of the most common oral surgeries performed in the United States, with millions of procedures performed each year. However, not everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth removed, and the decision to extract them should be based on individual circumstances, such as the size of the mouth and the position of the teeth, as well as the presence of symptoms or potential complications. If wisdom teeth removal is recommended for you at West Hill Family Dental, you can trust that it will be carried out with the highest precision and care.

What are the Benefits of Wisdom Teeth Extraction at Early Age?

Extracting wisdom teeth at an early age can have several benefits, including:

  • Prevention of dental problems: Wisdom teeth often do not have enough space to properly emerge from the gums, which can lead to impaction, overcrowding, and misalignment of the surrounding teeth. By removing the wisdom teeth early, these problems can be prevented.
  • Faster recovery: Younger individuals generally heal faster than older individuals, which can result in a quicker and less painful recovery after wisdom tooth extraction.
  • Reduced risk of complications: Younger individuals are less likely to have medical conditions or take medications that can increase the risk of complications during or after the procedure.
  • Preventive measure: Extracting wisdom teeth before they cause any problems can be a preventive measure to avoid potential issues in the future.
  • Less complex procedure: Wisdom teeth extraction can become more complex and risky as a person gets older, as I mentioned in the previous answer. Therefore, removing them at an early age when the roots are not fully developed can make the procedure less complicated and more straightforward.

The Problem with Waiting

Technically, there is no age limit for getting wisdom teeth extracted. However, as a person gets older, the extraction of wisdom teeth can become more complex and risky.

Older individuals may have denser bone and softer gums, which can make it more difficult to remove the teeth. In addition, older individuals may have more medical issues that can increase the risk of complications during and after the procedure, such as bleeding or infection.

Therefore, it is important for older individuals to consult with their dentist or oral surgeon to determine if wisdom teeth extraction is appropriate and to discuss the potential risks and benefits of the procedure. The decision to extract wisdom teeth should be based on individual circumstances, such as the presence of symptoms or potential complications, rather than solely on age.

Let a Trusted Rocky Hill Dentist Guide You

It’s important to note that not everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth extracted. The decision to remove them should be based on individual circumstances, such as the size of the mouth and the position of the teeth, as well as the presence of symptoms or potential complications. A consultation with one of our dentists or oral surgeons at West Hill Family Dental can help determine if and when wisdom teeth extraction is necessary for you.