Teething is a significant milestone in an infant’s life, signaling the arrival of their first teeth. While it’s an exciting time, teething can also be confusing for parents, especially when it’s associated with symptoms like fever. At West Hill Family Dental, we are here to clear up the myths and share the truth about teething and fever.

Myth 1: Teething Causes High Fever

Fiction: Many people believe that teething is accompanied by high fever in infants.

Fact: While some children may experience a slight increase in temperature, it is generally mild. A high fever is likely due to an underlying illness and not teething itself. If your child experiences a high fever, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider.

Myth 2: All Babies Experience Fever During Teething

Fiction: It’s a common belief that all babies will have a fever when they’re teething.

Fact: Every child is unique, and not all babies will experience fever during teething. Some may have no symptoms at all, while others may show signs like drooling or irritability.

Myth 3: Teething Gels are the Best Solution for Teething Symptoms

Fiction: Many parents resort to over-the-counter teething gels to alleviate discomfort.

Fact: The FDA advises against using teething gels that contain benzocaine or lidocaine, as they can have harmful effects. Instead, opt for safe alternatives like a chilled teething ring or gentle gum massage.

Myth 4: Teething Causes Other Serious Symptoms

Fiction: Some people attribute symptoms like diarrhea, rashes, and prolonged crying to teething.

Fact: Teething might cause mild symptoms like increased drooling or a desire to chew on things. Other more severe symptoms are typically not linked to teething and should be assessed by a healthcare provider.

Tips for Comforting a Teething Baby

At West Hill Family Dental, we do everything we can to equip parents with the resources and information they need to help their teeth baby during this inevitable dental process:

  • Use a Teething Ring: A chilled (not frozen) teething ring can provide relief to sore gums.
  • Gentle Massage: Gently massaging the gums with a clean finger can be soothing.
  • Stay Observant: Keep an eye on any unusual symptoms and consult with a healthcare provider if you have concerns.

Teething is a natural process, and understanding what is fact and what is fiction can help parents navigate this stage with confidence. At West Hill Family Dental, we are always here to provide guidance and support for your family’s dental health.

Let a Dental Professional Help

If you have any questions or need professional dental care for your family, don’t hesitate to contact us at West Hill Family Dental. Our experienced team is committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages. Let’s work together to keep those precious smiles healthy and bright!